
We are delighted to announce our fourth meetup which will once again take place on Wednesday 27th March. We'll be talking about co-production of public service with Noreen Blanluet. Noreen is a partner in All In this Together, an organisation that promotes co-production and its principles in Wales.

Co-production is “delivering public services through equal and reciprocal relationships between professionals, people using services, their families and their communities”. During the evening we will be talking about how co-production can be applied in a variety of contexts. The evening will include an interactive thinking and doing session around examples of where co-production has had an impact.

We will also have time to chat about projects people are thinking about doing as well. So if you have an idea want to meet new people and develop some socially motivated projects why not come along.

Please come along, 7pm, DOWNSTAIRS in Fire Island, CF10 1DD -

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Wednesday Club

Why not come along to our meeting on Wednesday evenings and see how you can get involved! Click here to view our calendar.

Inspiring Women

We are holding an interactive...

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