
Simon O'Rafferty's blog

We are delighted to announce our fourth meetup which will once again take place on Wednesday 27th March. We'll be talking about co-production of public service with Noreen Blanluet. Noreen is a partner in All In this Together, an organisation that promotes co-production and its principles in Wales.

Co-production is “delivering public services through equal and reciprocal relationships between professionals, people using services, their families and their communities”. During the evening we will be talking about how co-production can be applied in a variety of contexts. The evening will include an interactive thinking and doing session around examples of where co-production has had an impact.

We will also have time to chat about projects people are thinking about doing as well. So if you have an idea want to meet new people and develop some socially motivated projects why not come along.

Please come along, 7pm, DOWNSTAIRS in Fire Island, CF10 1DD -

Check out the amazing work being done by All in This Together at

We are getting very excited about the "Imagining Cardiff" workshop. The invite has gone out to a wide range of groups across different sectors (e.g. climate change, ageing, refugees, youth action, food) across Cardiff and South Wales.

Simon O'Rafferty's picture

Next Wednesday (31st of March) ARK will be closing off its National Assembly railway consultation project with a few design challenges. We have picked 6 different design themes coming from the last two Wednesday club discussions to help us propose some creative and unexpected solutions (please see below). We will include the outcomes of these design challenges in the consultation document we send to the Assembly on the 1st of April. Come along get involved and get creative.

Simon O'Rafferty's picture

We had our first sessions on this last Wednesday - we just had an open exploration of "accessibility" and how it may relate to the consultation.

Simon O'Rafferty's picture

The National Assembly in Wales has launched a consultation into the accessibility of Welsh Railway stations. This is something that ARK are interested in. It is related to one of the projects we identified at our launch event - see the project listed here -

Simon O'Rafferty's picture

I uploaded the presentation I made last week to the Wednesday club. It was a brief exploration on how I saw social design developing and what were some of the broad issues impacting on design.It probably isn't the most self explanatory presentation without me waffling through it but the main messages were that all people want to be and can be creative, human networks and relationships are as important as ever, new models of exchange (not only for profit) are emerging and social design ultimately needs to be engaging and fun.

Wednesday Club

Why not come along to our meeting on Wednesday evenings and see how you can get involved! Click here to view our calendar.

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