
Lynsey's picture

As you know the last few months we have been busy working on the empty shop project - ARKADE which has basically been created by huge amount of good old fashioned community spirit. The community that has been created as a result of this project is an unusual one and every week I am amazed at the amount of different people who have come along to our Wednesday club just to help out and get involved, donating their time, ideas, projects and anything else they can offer - its quite fantastic.But like any project there are still things that cost money from light bulbs to insurance and although they are only small amounts ARK LAB's next project will be some retrospective fund-raising (once we have had a break that is). So once again will be calling on people to come along to our Wednesday club with ideas to help fund raise, so get your thinking caps on! In the meantime take a look at this amazing kickstarter site where you can pitch a project and people can pledge money to support it. I particularly liked the ARTfarm project as it looks like something ARK LAB would get involved in.

Wednesday Club

Why not come along to our meeting on Wednesday evenings and see how you can get involved! Click here to view our calendar.

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